Serving Limestone, Madison, Lawrence,
Morgan, Marshall, Franklin & Cullman Counties.
Referral Fax: (256) 743-3236
Founded in 1985 | 24/7 Response | Support For All Ages
Founded in 1985
Exceptional Care
Support For All Ages
For more than two decades, Hospice of the Valley has helped people through the most difficult times in their lives. Founded by volunteers and sustained by our community, Hospice of the Valley celebrates life by helping patients, family members, and others in need to live each day as fully as possible. We give back to our community through our wide variety of community services, including professional education, hospice information, and grief counseling. All of these programs are free and available by request. Hospice of the Valley also has speakers available to speak to groups about hospice and related topics.
Community Goodwill Services Include
Hospice of the Valley's Community Bereavement Center exists to offer practical support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. As a hospice benefit, the Center provides ongoing bereavement support. As a community goodwill service, we offer educational resources, short term grief counseling sessions, and ongoing support groups to anyone in need. We offer peer support groups for children, adolescents, and adults. Bereavement support is also available for schools, businesses, churches, and other organizations struggling with unexpected or traumatic loss.
For more information, contact (256) 350-5585.
When you visit the bereavement center, you’ll have access to:
The unexpected news of a death packs a devastating blow. It can be very difficult to carry on with business as usual when such an event occurs. A period of shock follows that makes it difficult to know where to begin. What do I do first? Who should I notify? When is it appropriate to relay the news? These are tough questions especially when trying to take in the news on a personal level as well.
Hospice of the Valley provides crisis support for sudden and traumatic losses. We attend schools when a student or faculty member has died. We help students as well as school personnel throughout the day to both assess and address the needs of their student body. We come with resources that help guide and support in the many days that follow such a loss. While a period of shock and disbelief is normal, it can be devastating to think about how to best care for affected students. We are both equipped and trained for exactly these unfortunate scenarios. As your community hospice, we include additional resources for schools.
Bereavement services are provided to help patients, families and caregivers cope with the grief that occurs during the illness and eventual death of the patient. Bereavement services are provided through Hospice of the Valley's Bereavement Center and include individual grief counseling, support groups and other services.
Our Goodwill Services include a Community Bereavement Center and the Friend to Friend program for school-aged children. Both provide support to not only hospice families but anyone within the community who is experiencing grief from death. Services are offered at no cost to individuals. Call us today for more information and ask about our wish lists; these are ongoing lists of items that we are looking to have donated. Your support is always appreciated!
Community Bereavement Center Provides Support to Not Only Hospice Families but Anyone Within the Community Who is Experiencing Grief From Death. Services Are Offered at No Cost to Individuals.
Call today for more information.
(256) 350-5585
Main: (256) 350-5585
Administrative Fax: (256) 350-3769
Referral Fax: (256) 743-3236
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